EPA Method 1623 and 1623.1

Detection and enumeration of Cryptosporidium and Giardia

Cryptosporidium parvum protozoa positive (red sphere shape) in human stool smear, oocyst stage, acid-fast stain, analyze by microscope.

Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) has provided EPA Method 1623/1623.1 analyses for more than 400 clients since 1999 and has been providing Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2)-compliant data since 2001. ASI has substantial analytical capacity, and has processed more than 400 samples per month by Method 1623.

LT2 Approved – ASI is an USEPA-approved laboratory for Cryptosporidium enumeration for LT2 Round 2 through Primary NELAC accreditation for Methods 1623.1 from NH-ELAP, and was also EPA Approved for LT2 Rounds 1 and 2.

ASI also holds accreditation from other NELAP states for EPA Method 1623.1 (and other parameters) in various matrices, please see “Certifications” for details.

EPA Method 1623.1 – Method 1623.1 (EPA 816-R-12-001, Jan. 2012) is a relatively minor modification to Method 1623, which is intended to aid recovery of protozoa from challenging water matrices.  Method 1623.1 incorporates a sodium hexametaphosphate rinse into the elution step and an extra pellet wash into the immunomagnetic separation procedure (in addition to other administrative changes); sample collection and submission protocols remain unchanged.

For more information, please click here for ASI’s technical document regarding EPA Method 1623.1 or contact our Clients Services team.

Safety of drinking water concept.

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